Imagine if all your countertop appliances for your morning meal were condensed into one compact stackable countertop unit. Dutch designer Jan Des Bouvrie did just that.
Above: The Compact4All is a set of four individual appliances - a kettle, toaster, coffee maker and a juicer - each of which is a 20-square-centimeter cube. The appliances can be used on their own, but when placed as a set, they can be plugged in with one central outlet (the set can be placed in a row or as a cube). Available in Europe in late fall 2012. Spotted on homebuildlife; photographs via Princess Appliances.
Above: The Compact4All toaster is suitable for two slices of bread.
Above: The Compact4All juicer has two juicer heads and features an automatic starting mechanism.
Above: A hot water kettle is part of the Compact4All set.
N.B.: Looking for more? See all our Appliance posts.